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Richmond, Texas
Cowboy Fast Draw Club

SHooterS on the line.... SHooters SET... (Just how fast are you?)

If you are interested in possibly joining the Lone Star Gunslingers we would love to have you.
The current requirements for membership are as follows:
You must be a member of the Cowboy Fast Draw Association in good standing,
You must complete the attached Lone Start Gunslingers application.
You must pay the Lone Star Gunslingers annual membership dues.
If you would like more infomation or have questions please feel free contact us,we are here to help!
The membership form can be found under the "member" tab - select membership forms and click the Lone Star Gunslingers PDF.
Links to the Cowboy Fast Draw Association (CFDA) and the National Rifle Association (NRA) can also be found there.
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