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                                           In the summer of 2014 while searching for a hobby that was overall inexpensive and that they could enjoy together, the original owners Guy and Nicky Gist ran across the Cowboy Fast Draw Association. CFDA s a national organization based in Fernley, Nevada with local clubs across the U.S. who's purpose is to provide a safe, fun, competitive shooting sport for families and friends who share the same interest. A love of the ol' west, a love of shooting & good ol' fashion values that folks in the CFDA represent are a mite partial to.
After looking into Cowboy Fast Draw and having their interest sparked, Guy and Nicky decided to dive on in and start a local CFDA club and t
he "Lone Star Gunslingers" CFDA club was born.  The new club took off like a wildfire and was the fastest growing CFDA club in 2015 receiving the CFDA's Golden Spike award.
In 2016 Guy and Nicky sold the club to pursue other ventures.

Having just purchased the Lone Star Gunslingers club the new owners "The Shootist" and "Marshal's Daughter" aka Doug and Ginger Horn dove headlong into continuing to build, grow and improving the Lone Star Gunslingers club. They found a new location and moved our home range to an entirely different facility. Won two additional CFDA Golden Spike Awards (2016 & 2017), and cultivated some of the best and fastest shooters in not only Texas but the world. 
Some of The Shootist and Marshal's Daughter other accomplishments are as follows:

~ Hosted the 2017 and 2018 CFDA Texas State title matches. Both being a huge success.
Helped create "The Texas Circuit". An avenue which provides statewide
opportunities for clubs and individuals to travel within the state of Texas and compete against other shooters.

~ Produced a two time, back to back
2017-18 Ladies Texas State Champion.
Our very own "Madam K" (aka Kassi Bevill)
~ Produces the 2017 CFDA YOUTH WORLD CHAMPION.
Our very own Wiley Coyote (aka Cole Wile) 

Our very own "Madam K" (aka Kassi Bevill)

Accomplishing all of that in just 3 short years!

After years of extraordinary effort and more effort and time than you can image. The Shootist and Marshal's Daughter were wore out and needed a break. After much deliberation and thought they decided to put the club up for sale.  

In the summer of 2019 a core group of Lone Star Gunslinger shooters got together and decided to create a totally new, free standing not for profit entity that would own and govern itself. Each of those members contributed significant funds, time and effort to enable the "club" to buy itself. The deal was finalized in October of 2019 and the club became a state registered not for profit 501(c)(7) entity with an elected board, bylaws and accountability to its members.


In the spring of 2020 two of our members Rebel Yell and Rebel Belle graciously invited the club to shoot in their newly built free standing 40 x 60 building. The LSG board voted to take them up on the offer and moved the club for a 3rd time to a new dedicated facility. One that requires no rent, no 3rd party shooter fees, and allows the range to be permanently set up. All we do is turn on the lights and start shooting.
We still have our minimal annual membership fees and we do ask shooters to pay a nominal fee at each shoot. Those funds are fed directly back into the club to help with operating costs and improvements. For example we are currently saving funds to add on a bathroom so we don't have to go into the house. We want to insulate the building and at some point add A/C. So the club and the range are is still a work in progress but we are grateful to be where we are and shooting regularly which is what its all about.

Our club has a bright future and is always looking for new members and new ways to improve and expand. If you would like more information or to be a part of our club please don't hesitate to ask. We would love to tell you about our sport, tell you about our club and even let you try your hand at Cowboy Fast Draw to see just how fast you really are AND how much fun it is!

Speaking of fun and trying - A major portion of our sport is dressing the part of the late 1800's wild west and sharing our sport with others.
If your next event or organization is interested in having us out for a demonstration or a full "Town Folk Ally" (you and your guests get to shoot) we would love to talk with you.  
We are fully insured and our sport can be done indoors or out. All we need is a space 20' x 20' and access to a power outlet.
So let us be the next exciting booth or show at your event.
Company Team Builders, Civic Events, Church Events, Festivals, Scouting Events, Reunions, Rodeo, wherever folks are gathered. We are happy to come!





















Safety First, Fun Second, and Competition Third

  • Facebook Grunge
  • Twitter Grunge
  • Instagram Grunge
Typical Shoots - start at 9:00am
We ask that if at all possible you to be
signed and ready to go 30 minutes before the start time
For questions regarding upcoming shoots
please contact: 


Ringo Kid 832-598-8580



© 2023 by
Lone Star Gunslingers 

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